Friday 18 March 2011

Latest Nick Giles Charity Cycle News

A few years ago, we mentioned ex-professional cyclist Nick Giles's efforts to raise money for the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund with his "Toe-2-Toe" charity cycle ride.

Now Nick has a new challenge called "Tip-2-Tip". He is hoping to cycle from San Roque(the Tip of Spain) to John O'Groats(the Tip of the UK) via Valencia and Lands End, a total of 3800km(2400miles).

However, all this is only in the provisional stages at present because everything depends on obtaining sufficient sponsorship for the trip. If you can help with this, or think you know someone else who can, then please contact Nick via his website.

Read more about Nick, the "Tip2Tip" project, his cycling career, and his motivation for doing these rides, by visiting his website

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